Flood Risk Consulting can provide a free lump sum quotation to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), Drainage Assessment (DA) and Reservoir Flood Risk Assessment (RFRA) in Northern Ireland.
A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is required in Northern Ireland when the development is at risk of flooding in accordance with Policy FLD 1 of PPS 15. We also have the expertise to conduct Coastal Flood Risk Assessments.
A Drainage Assessment (DA) is required by PPS 15 if the proposed development comprises 10 or more dwelling units, exceeds one hectare or involves a change of use exceeding 1000 square metres.
A Reservoir Flood Risk Assessment (RFRA) is required by PPS 15 if the development site is located within the potential inundation area of a dam or reservoir.
We will meet your deadline, minimise necessary mitigation measures and optimise the area of the site that can be developed.
We have an excellent reputation with both Rivers Agency and Planning NI that allows us to propose successful innovative solutions that are tailored to the proposed development.